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Click to enlarge!Exit Wand (CS-202-S)

Low voltage used for automatically opening gate when exiting property, without requiring the use of a remote control transmitter, key pad or any other operator control device. Can be located up to 100' from the gate. Senses automobiles on a driveway up to 12' wide going at least 5 m.p.h. A second probe can be connected in parallel for additional coverage or for "in & out applications.


All trademarked names on these pages are the property of their respective owners. GTO(TM) and GTO/PRO(TM), GTO, Inc. - Delgard(TM), Delair Group - EMX(TM), EMX Technologies and others.

All content copyright Hoover Fence Co. and Hoover Enterprises, June 1999.
4521 Warren Rd., Newton Falls, OH 44444,  Phone: (330) 358-2335